so my aunts prego %26amp;%26amp;
me and two of my friends were
talking about baby names.
they like the unoriginal names
and i like the more unique names.
tell me which you like better please
i have money on this bet.
shade alexzander
locke drachen
ashen gage
madison nicole
britney lee
cassie lynn
taylor brianne
lindsey paige
kaylen danielle
so which do you like better?
The better baby names?
is it a boy or a girl. i'm assuming its a girl.(if its a boy call him titan, trojan or scout). Girl=i'd have to say yours are the best. i like sahde and locke and ashen(maybe ash).
a really cool name is pablo or finbar.
Reply:I am sorry but friend 2 has by far the better names in my opinion.
here is why:
Gage is the generally used term in the mechanical engineering field in reference to various instruments for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing
DRachen is the german word for dragon i think
shade - its kind of shady, dark, mysterious, if someone is shady they are suspicious
same with locke - its the opposite of open - its closed in and trapped
I dont like any of your names, sorry.
friend one is OK, my fave deing madison nicole
friend 2 is much better though! She deserves the money!
Reply:Yours are better as long as you spell Alexander right. Shane Alexander, Lachlann Drake, and Asher Gage would all be nice. And as long as these are for boys, which I take they are.
Madison is a masculine boy's name meaning SON of Maude; Matthew's SON. Nicole is filler. Brittney is dated. Lee is filler. Cassie is a nickname and childish. Lynn is filler.
Taylor is a masculine boy's name. Tailors were always male. Do not care for Brianne. Dislike Lindsay on a girl. Paige is masculine. Kaylen is made up, and trashy. Danielle is nice.
Reply:Shade - no.
Alexzander - okay
Locke - no.
Drachen - i like it but maybe not for a baby?
Ashen - ditto^
Gage - no.
Madison - ehh, not that interesting.
Nicole - ^
Britney - Reminds me of junkies (for some reason. :P)
Lee - It's good for a boy's middle name. Lea - for a girl's
Cassie - is a nickname.
Lynn - Uhhh? -.-
Taylor - very pretty girl's name.
Brianne - ditto^
Lindsey - no.
Paige - IMHO i don't like it.
Kaylen - Boring.
Danielle - Honestly a bit boring.
I like Taylor Brianne as the prettiest name.
Well that's my opinion. :P
Reply:Hmm... I like one from yours and one from friend 2 (Ashen %26amp; Kaylen) but friend 1's names are way too plain and boring for my taste. sorry friend 1 :) I'm not sure if yours are for boys or girls, I would hope boys... I'm gonna have to vote for friend 2 even though I hate Lindsey.
Good Luck %26amp; God Bless!
Reply:The names both of your friends have chosen are good names...tho I don't really like the names Britney or Brianne, or Paige. Kaylen I really like, because that is my niece's name. BUT, the names you chose...I'm sorry, but they all sound unreal. Especially Locke sounds like you made that one up.
Best of luck to you all.
Reply:So the choice is between not-names, trashy names, and trashy names?
What a truly dreadful set of choices all round. I'll take "none of them", thanks.
Reply:Well yours are for boys and theres are for girls right? so its different! Well I like yours and friend 1's the best BY FAR! although I hate nicole so I guess you win. Tell your friend 1 that Cassia Lynn is really nice =]
Reply:Friend two is the prettiest.........however, I like yours the best because there is the most unusual and interesting names.
Reply:I like the names of your friends, but yours sounds a little weird especially gage (how do u pronounce that?).
Reply:Stink Drachen
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