Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby names inspired by the Beatles?

me and my boyfriend charles are having twins, a boy and a girl, we are trying to come up with names, but are having a difficult time. we both love the beatles, and think that names inspired by them, or their songs would be magnificent. if you have any ideas, please share, and if you have any other baby name ideas, that maybe dont have anything to do with the beatles, they are more than welcomed!


Baby names inspired by the Beatles?
Names in the title of Beatles songs

Anna - Anna (Go To Him)

Bill - The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill

Bonnie - My Bonnie

Carol - Carol

Eleanor - Eleanor Rigby

Georgia - Sweet Georgia Brown

Johnny - Johnny B. Goode

Jude - Hey Jude

Julia - Julia

Lizzie - Dizzy Miss Lizzie

Lucille - Lucille

Lucy - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

Madonna - Lady Madonna

Maggie - Maggie Mae

Martha - Martha My Dear

Mary - What's The New Mary Jane

Maxwell - Maxwell's Silver Hammer

Michelle - Michelle

Pam - Polythene Pam

Penny - Penny Lane

Prudence - Dear Prudence

Rita - Lovely Rita

Robert - Doctor Robert

Rocky - Rocky Raccoon

Sadie - Sexy Sadie

Sally - Long Tall Sally

Teddy - Teddy Boy
Reply:For a boy, you could name them the members of the band:

Paul, John, etc.

Names that go with their songs: Jude, Michelle, Julia, Lucky, Eleanor, Martha, Georgia, Abbey, Lucy, Robert, Sally, etc.

There are lot more, but choose the one that you like the best.

Good Luck!
Reply:I'd say Jude or Maxwell for boys, and Rita, Sadie or Julia for girls in regards to the Beatles :)

Also, closely relating to the Beatles, I love the name Stella and Dhani....
Reply:John, Paul, George. (I wouldn't recommend Ringo.) -- and the female variants -- Joanne/Jane/Joan, Paula/Pauline, Georgia/Georgette.




Reply:Jude, Michelle, Eleanor, John, Paul, George, Ringo, Penny, Julia, Lucy.
Reply:Penny Layne (Last Name Here)

Jay (Middle Name Here) (Last Name Here)

Michelle (Middle Name Here) (Last Name Here)

Ella Narigby (Last Name Here)

Abbey Roade (Last Name Here)
Reply:Penny (girl) Laine or Lane(boy)
Reply:Eleanor and Rigby
Reply:JohnPaul ( john as the first name and paul as the middle name)

: )


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